This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Preprocessing dMRI data


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What are the standard preprocessing steps?

  • How do we register with an anatomical image?

  • Understand the common preprocessing steps

  • Learn to register diffusion data

Diffusion Preprocessing

Diffusion preprocessing typically comprises of a series of steps, which may vary depending on how the data is acquired. Some consensus has been reached for certain preprocessing steps, while others are still up for debate. The lesson will primarily focus on the preprocessing steps where consensus has been reached. Preprocessing is performed using a few well-known software packages (e.g. FSL, ANTs). For the purposes of these lessons, preprocessing steps requiring these software packages has already been performed for the dataset ds000221 and the commands required for each step will be provided. This dataset contains single shell diffusion data with 7 $b = 0 s/mm^2$ volumes (non-diffusion weighted) and 60 $b = 1000 s/mm^2$ volumes. In addition, field maps (found in the fmap directory are acquired with opposite phase-encoding directions).

To illustrate what the preprocessing step may look like, here is an example preprocessing workflow from QSIPrep (Cieslak et al, 2020): Preprocessing steps

dMRI has some similar challenges to fMRI preprocessing, as well as some unique ones.

Our preprocesssing of this data will consist of following steps:

  1. Brainmasking the diffusion data.
  2. Applying FSL topup to correct for susceptibility induced distortions.
  3. FSL Eddy current distortion correction.
  4. Registration to T1w.

The same subject (sub-010006) will be used throughout the remainder of the lesson.


The first step to the preprocessing workflow is to create an appropriate brainmask from the diffusion data! Start, by first importing the necessary modules. and reading the diffusion data! We will also grab the anatomical T1w image to use later on, as well as the second inversion from the anatomical acquisition for brainmasking purposes.

from bids.layout import BIDSLayout

layout = BIDSLayout("../../data/ds000221", validate=False)


# Diffusion data
dwi = layout.get(subject=subj, suffix='dwi', extension='.nii.gz', return_type='file')[0]

# Anatomical data
t1w = layout.get(subject=subj, suffix='T1w', extension='.nii.gz', return_type='file')[0]
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib

dwi = nib.load(dwi)
dwi_affine = dwi.affine
dwi_data = dwi.get_fdata()

DIPY’s segment.mask module will be used to create a brainmask from this. This module contains a function median_otsu, which can be used to segment the brain and provide a binary brainmask! Here, a brainmask will be created using the first non-diffusion volume of the data. We will save this brainmask to be used in our later future preprocessing steps. After creating the brainmask, we will start to correct for distortions in our images.

import os
from dipy.segment.mask import median_otsu

# vol_idx is a 1D-array containing the index of the first b0
dwi_brain, dwi_mask = median_otsu(dwi_data, vol_idx=[0])

# Create necessary folders to save mask
out_dir = f'../../data/ds000221/derivatives/uncorrected/sub-{subj}/ses-01/dwi/'

# Check to see if directory exists, if not create one
if not os.path.exists(out_dir):

img = nib.Nifti1Image(dwi_mask.astype(np.float32), dwi_affine), os.path.join(out_dir, f"sub-{subj}_ses-01_brainmask.nii.gz"))

b0 brainmask

FSL topup

Diffusion images, typically acquired using spin-echo echo planar imaging (EPI), are sensitive to non-zero off-resonance fields. One source of these fields is from the susceptibilitiy distribution of the subjects head, otherwise known as susceptibility-induced off-resonance field. This field is approximately constant for all acquired diffusion images. As such, for a set of diffusion volumes, the susceptibility-induced field will be consistent throughout. This is mainly a problem due to geometric mismatches with the anatomical images (e.g. T1w), which are typically unaffected by such distortions.

topup, part of the FSL library, estimates and attempts to correct the susceptibility-induced off-resonance field by using 2 (or more) acquisitions, where the acquisition parameters differ such that the distortion differs. Typically, this is done using two acquisitions acquired with opposite phase-encoding directions, which results in the same field creating distortions in opposing directions.

Here, we will make use of the two opposite phase-encoded acquisitions found in the fmap directory of each subject. These are acquired with a diffusion weighting of $b = 0 s/mm^2$. Alternatively, if these are not available, one can also extract and make use of the non-diffusion weighted images (assuming the data is also acquired with opposite phase encoding directions).

First, we will merge the two files so that all of the volumes are in 1 file.

mkdir -p ../../data/ds000221/derivatives/uncorrected_topup/sub-010006/ses-01/dwi/work

fslmerge -t ../../data/ds000221/derivatives/uncorrected_topup/sub-010006/ses-01/dwi/work/sub-010006_ses-01_acq-SEfmapDWI_epi.nii.gz ../../data/ds000221/sub-010006/ses-01/fmap/sub-010006_ses-01_acq-SEfmapDWI_dir-AP_epi.nii.gz ../../data/ds000221/sub-010006/ses-01/fmap/sub-010006_ses-01_acq-SEfmapDWI_dir-PA_epi.nii.gz

Another file we will need to create is a text file containing the information about how the volumes were acquired. Each line in this file will pertain to a single volume in the merged file. The first 3 values of each line refers to the acquisition direction, typically along the y-axis (or anterior-posterior). The final value is the total readout time (from center of first echo to center of final echo), which can be determined from values contained within the associated JSON metadata file (named “JSON sidecar file” within the BIDS specification). Each line will look similar to [x y z TotalReadoutTime]. In this case, the file, which we created, is contained within the pedir.txt file in the derivative directory.

0 1 0 0.04914
0 1 0 0.04914
0 1 0 0.04914
0 -1 0 0.04914
0 -1 0 0.04914
0 -1 0 0.04914

With these two inputs, the next step is to make the call to topup to estimate the susceptibility-induced field. Within the call, a few parameters are used. Briefly:

topup --imain=../../data/ds000221/derivatives/topup/sub-010006/ses-01/dwi/work/sub-010006_ses-01_acq-SEfmapDWI_epi.nii.gz --datain=../../data/ds000221/derivatives/topup/sub-010006/ses-01/dwi/work/pedir.txt --config=b02b0.cnf --out=../../data/ds000221/derivatives/topup/sub-010006/ses-01/dwi/work/topup

Next, we can apply the correction to the entire diffusion weighted volume by using applytopup Similar to topup, a few parameters are used. Briefly:

applytopup --imain=../../data/ds000221/sub-010006/ses-01/dwi/sub-010006_ses-01_dwi.nii.gz --datain=../../data/ds000221/derivatives/topup/sub-010006/ses-01/dwi/work/pedir.txt --inindex=1 --topup=../../data/ds000221/derivatives/topup/sub-010006/ses-01/dwi/work/topup --out=../../data/ds000221/derivatives/topup/sub-010006/ses-01/dwi/dwi --method=jac

Topup image

FSL Eddy

Another source of the non-zero off resonance fields is caused by the rapid switching of diffusion weighting gradients, otherwise known as eddy current-induced off-resonance fields. Additionally, the subject is likely to move during the diffusion protocol, which may be lengthy.

eddy, also part of the FSL library, attempts to correct for both eddy current-induced fields and subject movement by reading the gradient table and estimating the distortion volume by volume. This tool is also able to optionally detect and replace outlier slices.

Here, we will demonstrate the application of eddy following the topup correction step, by making use of both the uncorrected diffusion data, as well as estimated warpfield from the topup. Additionally, a text file, which maps each of the volumes to one of the corresponding acquisition directions from the pedir.txt file will have to be created. Finally, similar to topup, there are also a number of input parameters which have to be specified:

mkdir -p ../../data/ds000221/derivatives/uncorrected_topup_eddy/sub-010006/ses-01/dwi/work

# Create an index file mapping the 67 volumes in 4D dwi volume to the pedir.txt file
for i in `seq 1 67`; do
  indx="$indx 1"
echo $indx > ../../data/ds000221/derivatives/uncorrected_topup_eddy/sub-010006/ses-01/dwi/work/index.txt

eddy --imain=../../data/ds000221/sub-010006/ses-01/dwi/sub-010006_ses-01_dwi.nii.gz --mask=../../data/ds000221/derivatives/uncorrected/sub-010006/ses-01/dwi/sub-010006_ses-01_brainmask.nii.gz --acqp=../../data/ds000221/derivatives/uncorrected_topup/sub-010006/ses-01/dwi/work/pedir.txt --index=../../data/ds000221/derivatives/uncorrected_topup_eddy/sub-010006/ses-01/dwi/work/index.txt --bvecs=../../data/ds000221/sub-010006/ses-01/dwi/sub-010006_ses-01_dwi.bvec --bvals=../../data/ds000221/sub-010006/ses-01/dwi/sub-010006_ses-01_dwi.bval --topup=../../data/ds000221/derivatives/uncorrected_topup/sub-010006/ses-01/dwi/work/topup --out=../../data/ds000221/derivatives/uncorrected_topup_eddy/sub-010006/ses-01/dwi/dwi --repol

Registration with T1w

The final step to our diffusion processing is registration to an anatomical image (e.g. T1-weighted). This is important because the diffusion data, typically acquired using echo planar imaging or EPI, enables faster acquisitions at the cost of lower resolution and introduction of distortions (as seen above). Registration with the anatomical image not only helps to correct for some distortions, it also provides us with a higher resolution, anatomical reference.

First, we will create a brainmask of the anatomical image using the anatomical acquisition (e.g. T1-weighted). To do this, we will use FSL bet twice. The first call to bet will create a general skullstripped brain. Upon inspection, we can note that there is still some residual areas of the image which were included in the first pass. Calling bet a second time, we get a better outline of the brain and brainmask, which we can use for further processing.

mkdir -p ../../data/ds000221/derivatives/uncorrected/sub-010006/ses-01/anat

bet ../../data/ds000221/sub-010006/ses-01/anat/sub-010006_ses-01_inv-2_mp2rage.nii.gz ../../data/ds000221/derivatives/uncorrected/sub-010006/ses-01/anat/sub-010006_ses-01_space-T1w_broadbrain -f 0.6
bet ../../data/ds000221/derivatives/uncorrected/sub-010006/ses-01/anat/sub-010006_ses-01_space-T1w_broadbrain ../../data/ds000221/derivatives/uncorrected/sub-010006/ses-01/anat/sub-010006_ses-01_space-T1w_brain -f 0.4 -m

mv ../../data/ds000221/derivatives/uncorrected/sub-010006/ses-01/anat/sub-010006_ses-01_space-T1w_brain_mask.nii.gz ../../data/ds000221/derivatives/uncorrected/sub-010006/ses-01/anat/sub-010006_ses-01_space-T1w_brainmask.nii.gz

T1w brainmask

Note, we use bet here, as well as the second inversion of the anatomical image, as it provides us with a better brainmask. The bet command above is called to output only the binary mask and the fractional intensity threshold is also increased slightly (to 0.6) provide a smaller outline of the brain initially, and then decreased (to 0.4) to provide a larger outline. The flag -m indicates to the tool to create a brainmask in addition to outputting the extracted brain volume. Both the mask and brain volume will be used in our registration step.

Before we get to the registration, we will also update our DWI brainmask by performing a brain extraction using DIPY on the eddy corrected image. Note that the output of eddy is not in BIDS format so we will include the path to the diffusion data manually. We will save both the brainmask and the extracted brain volume. Additionally, we will save a separate volume of only the first B0 to use for the registration.

from dipy.segment.mask import median_otsu

# Path of FSL eddy-corrected dwi
dwi = "../../data/ds000221/derivatives/uncorrected_topup_eddy/sub-010006/ses-01/dwi/dwi.nii.gz"

# Load eddy-corrected diffusion data
dwi = nib.load(dwi)
dwi_affine = dwi.affine
dwi_data = dwi.get_fdata()

dwi_brain, dwi_mask = median_otsu(dwi_data, vol_idx=[0])
dwi_b0 = dwi_brain[:,:,:,0]

# Output directory

# Save diffusion mask
img = nib.Nifti1Image(dwi_mask.astype(np.float32), dwi_affine), os.path.join(out_dir, "sub-010006_ses-01_dwi_proc-eddy_brainmask.nii.gz"))

# Save 4D diffusion volume
img = nib.Nifti1Image(dwi_brain, dwi_affine), os.path.join(out_dir, "sub-010006_ses-01_dwi_proc-eddy_brain.nii.gz"))

# Save b0 volume
img = nib.Nifti1Image(dwi_b0, dwi_affine), os.path.join(out_dir, "sub-010006_ses-01_dwi_proc-eddy_b0.nii.gz"))

To perform the registration between the diffusion volumes and T1w, we will make use of ANTs, specifically the script and antsApplyTransform. We will begin by registering the diffusion $b = 0 s/mm^2$ volume to get the appropriate transforms to align the two images. We will then apply the inverse transformation to the T1w volume such that it is aligned to the diffusion volume.

Here, we will constrain to perform a rigid and affine transformation (we will explain why in the final step). There are a few parameters that must be set:

mkdir -p ../../data/ds000221/derivatives/uncorrected_topup_eddy_regT1/sub-010006/ses-01/transforms

# Perform registration between b0 and T1w -d 3 -t a -f ../../data/ds000221/derivatives/uncorrected/sub-010006/ses-01/anat/sub-010006_ses-01_space-T1w_brain.nii.gz -m ../../data/ds000221/derivatives/uncorrected_topup_eddy/sub-010006/ses-01/dwi/sub-010006_ses-01_dwi_proc-eddy_b0.nii.gz -o ../../data/ds000221/derivatives/uncorrected_topup_eddy_regT1/sub-010006/ses-01/transform/dwi_to_t1_

The transformation file should be created which we will use to apply the inverse transform with antsApplyTransform to the T1w volume. Similar to the previous command, there are few parameters that will need to be set:

Note that if more than 1 transformation file is provided, the order in which the transforms are applied to the volume is in reverse order of how it is inputted (e.g. last transform gets applied first).

# Apply transform to 4D DWI volume
antsApplyTransforms -d 3 -i ../../data/ds000221/derivatives/uncorrected/sub-010006/ses-01/anat/sub-010006_ses-01_space-T1w_brain.nii.gz -r ../../data/ds000221/derivatives/uncorrected_topup_eddy/sub-010006/ses-01/dwi/sub-010006_ses-01_dwi_proc-eddy_b0.nii.gz -t [../../data/ds000221/derivatives/uncorrected_topup_eddy_regT1/sub-010006/ses-01/transform/dwi_to_t1_0GenericAffine.mat,1] -o ../../data/ds000221/derivatives/uncorrected_topup_eddy_regT1/sub-010006/ses-01/anat/sub-010006_ses-01_space-dwi_T1w_brain.nii.gz

Transformed volumes

Following the transformation of the T1w volume, we can see that anatomical and diffusion weighted volumes are now aligned. It should be highlighted that as part of the transformation step, the T1w volume is resampled based on the voxel size of the reference volume (i.e. the B0 DWI volume in this case).

Preprocessing notes:

  1. In this lesson, the T1w volume is registered to the DWI volume. This method minimizes the manipulation of the diffusion data. It is also possible to register the DWI volume to the T1w volume and would require the associated diffusion gradient vectors (bvec) to also be similarly rotated. If this step is not performed, one would have incorrect diffusion gradient directions relative to the registered DWI volumes. This also highlights a reason behind not performing a non-linear transformation for registration, as each individual diffusion gradient direction would also have to be subsequently warped. Rotation of the diffusion gradient vectors can be done by applying the affine transformation to each row of the file. Luckily, there are existing scripts that can do this. One such Python script was created by Michael Paquette:
  2. We have only demonstrated the preprocessing steps where there is general consensus on how DWI data should be processed. There are also additional steps with certain caveats, which include denoising, unringing (to remove/minimize effects of Gibbs ringing artifacts), and gradient non-linearity correction (to unwarp distortions caused by gradient-field inhomogeneities using a vendor acquired gradient coefficient file).
  3. Depending on how the data is acquired, certain steps may not be possible. For example, if the data is not acquired in two directions, topup may not be possible (in this situation, distortion correction may be better handled by registering with a T1w anatomical image directly.
  4. There are also a number of tools available for preprocessing. In this lesson, we demonstrate some of the more commonly used tools alongside DIPY.


.. [Cieslak2020] M. Cieslak, PA. Cook, X. He, F-C. Yeh, T. Dhollander, et al, “QSIPrep: An integrative platform for preprocessing and reconstructing diffusion MRI”,

Key Points

  • Many different preprocessing pipelines, dependent on how data is acquired